Friday, June 9, 2017

Where Do Ideas Come From?

Deciding what my next project will be is sometimes a mysterious process.
When sitting down at my jewelry workbench, 
I often don't know what I'll make 
and need to look at my collection of materials 
until something stands out and starts an internal discussion.
Just a flicker of an idea 
is enough for me to begin a direction that is often altered, 
but that initial momentum 
gets my creative thoughts flowing.

My paintings begin from a variety of inspirations...
a photograph, 
a particular combination of colors, 
the atmosphere at dusk
and sometimes....
what I see through the windshield of my car.

Several weeks ago,
my morning drive to work was very slow 
due to the heavy rainfall.
Moving along at around 4mph,
I periodically turned off my windshield wipers 
and liked how the accumulating raindrops
began to abstract the view.

Considering what I might want to present 
in several upcoming shows,
I thought that these rainy morning images 
could possibly be the inspiration for a series of paintings.

Each image can stand alone as an interesting composition,
and the grouping suggests a storyline
that can invite a variety of interpretations.

The beginning of this week was all jewelry
as I prepared for a Thursday delivery of new inventory to 

Last night,
I was ready to get back to painting.
On a piece of gessoed, 140 lb, 
cold pressed cotton paper,
I did a quick, rough sketch in graphite
as I looked at one the my rainy morning images 
on the small screen of my phone. 
Using  acrylic Neutral Grey, Parchment and Titanium White,
the sketch was developed as a monotone image
with textures made by my favorite wooden skewer.
Once I began using paints,
I stopped looking at the picture on my phone,
preferring instead to refer to my memory...
another layer of abstraction
like the raindrops on my windshield.
When the first layer of paint dried,
hints of color were added with 
Light Blue Violet and Green Gold.
After that application dried,
a bit of shadowing was done with a charcoal stick.

While I see areas that could be enhanced and developed,
I'm liking the spontaneity and energy that this piece conveys.
maybe it's done.

And that's where ideas come from....


for me, 
at least.