I was cleaning my studio workbench last night. Manic preparations for the December shows left my work space in an organized mess otherwise known as chaos. All of my materials are getting put into logical places so that, in theory, they can easily be found when the proper inspiration hits me.
I have tucked away this collection of plated charms that I happened upon at a yard sale during the summer. The nearby town where we used to live has one Saturday a year when everyone is encouraged to have their yard sale. There are so many sales that the whole town has a festival kind of atmosphere. I hit the jackpot at one of the homes where I found these charms as well as old photos and beautiful fabric, trim and vintage buttons.
I began talking with the owner of the house and she told me that she was clearing out the supplies of her former business. She used to make hats and jewelry, but was now at retirement age and had no interest in holding onto the pieces of her past that were no longer relevant. It struck me that I was talking to future me. This woman recognized that she was talking to a kindered spirit and practically gave me all of the items that I was interested in. A lot of the charms were pieces that I would not necessarily have bought under other conditions, but I knew that I could put them to good use.
This bird is riveted to another hand forged ring made from recycled copper wire as is a plated oak leaf. One hole was drilled into each wing for attaching the chain. The chain is made with wire-wrapped freshwater pearls. A single pearl dangles from the bottom of the ring.
Best wishes to everyone for a joyous and creative 2011!
Really nice pieces! Happy New Year!