Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Day at Woodmere Art Museum

This past Saturday, I spent the day at Woodmere Art Museum in Philadelphia, taking part in the 'Meet the Designers' event.
It was a lovely day.
Seven of us, local artists/designers, who are represented by the Museum Gift Shop, sold our wares in the Founders Gallery.
Without question, I have never sold my jewelry in a more beautiful venue.
The gallery as we were setting up displays and before the space filled up with shoppers and museum-goers.
It was wonderful to be in the midst of beautiful and historical artwork.
It was also a little nerve wracking.
My space was at the front of the room.
Behind my table was a pretty narrow space that was bordered by a brass rail around 30" high.
On the other side of the brass rail was this beautiful bust of Abraham Lincoln on a pedestal.
I was a nervous wreck having to stand so close to pedestal Abe, with my back to him.
It felt like potential disaster was hovering over me for the entire day.
A couple of times, I forgot the details of my setting and was overcome with the uneasy feeling that someone was closing in on me from behind.
Of course, it was only stoic and quiet Abe.

I'm sure that I will offend art historians with this, but.....to my immediate left was a very peculiar portrait.
All right....I admit to describing it to some as creepy. 
I was uncomfortably fascinated by the face with shifty eyes and a five o'clock shadow.
It was nice to have the reassuring presence of Abe close by, even if it was a little too close.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, as a former art teacher, I concur...that portrait is creepy. There. I said it. Creepy.

    Thankfully you had good ole Abe to look after you...even if he was in your space.

    Still it looks like a fun place to show work.
